复旦 -- 新中国的摇篮

徐 波


一、引 言



















1920年,陈望道第一个将《共产党宣言》介绍到中国。这本书为中共的创立奠定了思想理论基础,影响了整整一代人。中共“一大”时全国共有党员50多人,包括“一大”的13名代表,都是在读了陈望道《共产党宣言》之后决定加入共产党的。 毛泽东是于19208月读了陈望道的《共产党宣言》之后才开始了他正式的革命生涯的。 周恩来、朱德、刘少奇、邓小平等则是在更晚些时候读了陈望道的《共产党宣言》


毛泽东后来谈到对他一生影响最大的3本书中,第一本便是《共产党宣言》。 周恩来建国后对陈望道说:“我们都是你教育出来的。” 





如果没有陈望道1920年的《共产党宣言》,中国共产党就不会于1921年成立。在当时的历史条件下,错过一个时机,就会导致全军覆没,全盘皆输。 因此,如果中国共产党没能在1921年成立,之后就可能被扼杀在摇篮中。 那么,1949年就不会有新中国,中国就可能长期沦陷于殖民地状态下,中国人民就不可能站起来,不会有自己的主权国家。那么今天,在中国的国土上,可能仍然会随处看见中国人与狗不得入内的牌子 。。。



北大促进了五四运动的到来,在中国播下了科学与民主的种子。而复旦则促进了中国共产党的成立、新中国的诞生、中国人民的早日独立和解放,为中华民族的早日崛起和腾飞做出了不朽的功绩。 北大、复旦成为改变中国历史,对中国近代史产生了最大影响的二所学府。




Fudan -- Cradle of PRC

Bob Xu

 As China's first private university and one of the most prestigious universities, Fudan University has made many important contributions to China.  One of the most profound contributions Fudan has made was for China’s independence and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  

In the early 20th century, China was a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society under the rule of foreign invaders and the emperor.  At that time, the most important challenge and choice facing China was to end the colonialism and feudalism, and to establish a new independent China. 

However, the foreign invaders and old rulers would not give up the power.  Only revolution and China Independent War could save China and Chinese people’s future.    

It was at this critical moment that Fudan University had played crucial roles, which had changed the course of China’s history as well as the world’s history.

In 1920, Fudan University professor Chen Wang Dao first translated and published the book "Gong Chan Dang Xuan Yan" in China.  This historical work was very important and significant.  It was the most influential work in modern China history, which had educated, encouraged, and inspired the entire generation of PRC leaders, including:

Mao Ze Dong -- founder and chairman of PRC, president of the PRC Central Military Commission of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).

Zhou En Lai -- co-founder and premier of PRC

Zhu De -- co-founder of PRC, founder and chief general of PLA.

Liu Shao Qi -- co-founder and president of PRC.

Deng Xiao Ping -- co-founder and general secretary of PRC.  General designer and senior leader for China reform and open policy.  

Besides above PRC founders, professor Chen Wang Dao's work had also educated, inspired, and influenced all PRC ministers, military generals, and provincial governors, etc.  Therefore, after the establishment of PRC, Zhou En Lai said to professor Chen Wang Dao: "We were all educated by you."

As a result, Fudan University had become PRC's earliest "Zhong Yang Dang Xiao" (the school for PRC leaders), which had educated and inspired the entire generation of PRC founders and leaders.  Therefore, Fudan had become the cradle of PRC. 

In 1952, after the establishment of PRC, in recognition of Fudan University's special contributions to the founding of the PRC, Mao Ze Dong personally

(1)   designated Fudan as China's Cambridge;

(2)   wrote the new Fudan University title;

(3)   appointed professor Chen Wang Dao as the president of new Fudan University.

Due to its special contributions to the founding of PRC, Fudan University has become one of China's most influential universities that has shaped and changed China history and the world history, and has become one of China’s top universities.